Partnership: Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Universiteit Utrecht, Fores Media Limited, Kaspersky Lab Italia, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Montimage Eurl, Somekh Chaikin Partnership, Stadt Baden, Atos IT Solutions and Services Iberia, Schweizerischer Kmu Verband, Haako Gmbh, Centrul National de Raspuns la Incidente de Securitate Cibernetica, Asociatia Cluj IT.
The overall vision of GEIGER is of a transparent Europe with widespread awareness of risks in which security, privacy, and data protection are a commodity that safeguards SMEs&MEs from undetected problems or imminent attacks, thus protects the European economy from damage. The proposed work is to begin the realisation of the vision by accelerating the implementation of a zero-knowledge incident database that unlocks risks and incident sensing in SMEs&MEs, the realisation of an indicator that easily allows anybody to understand his or her own risk and in comparison to others, and makes experience and intuitive tools available for immediate and effective risk elimination. In order to reach and even attract attention from endangered and unprotected SMEs&MEs, a low-threshold and easy-to-join training ecosystem is being established.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 883588 (GEIGER).
UFO – Emerging indUstries new value chains boosted by small Flying Objects
UFO (Emerging indUstries new value chains boosted by small Flying Objects), is a INNOSUP-1 project funded under the Horizon 2020 framework of the European Union, launched in May 2020. It aims to support European SMEs in the development of innovative products and services by integrating new technological solutions and know-how provided by Small Flying Objects (SFOs: Drones, High Altitude Platforms Systems, Small satellites).
The project is dedicated to embedded digital technologies, Key Enabled Technologies (KETs), data analysis and exploitation solutions (ICT) for 6 emerging industries: Mobility; Climate; Environment; Blue Growth; Digital Creative and Gaming; Finance and innovation.
UFO combines the experience and expertise of 8 clusters from the ICT, Aerospace and Maritime sector and one Climate cluster partner. From France, United-Kingdom, Bulgaria, Romania and Greece, the project UFO will run for 30 months to improve the development and implementation of the Outer Space and Airspace applications in our daily life!
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 873411.
GALATEA stands for “Grow and AcceLerate your smArt projecTs in nEw value chAins of the European Blue Economy”. Objectives: Development of new cross-sectoral and cross-border industrial value-chains, supporting innovative SMEs and facilitated by clusters, to foster the development of Blue Growth key industries in Europe to be competitive at the global level. This development will be based on the construction of new industrial value chains and the reconfiguration of existing ones driven by the integration of technologies and know-how from aerospace and ICT communities to the following Blue Growth domains: ports, ships, shipyards and surveillance.
GALATEA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement n°873026.
Future of Work :: Urban Innovation Action
Future of Work :: Urban Innovation Action
Project dedicated to exploring future employment and new job opportunities in a context of developing automation and digitalization processes.
Cluj Future of Work is implemented in co-management by the Cluj-Napoca Municipality and the Cultural Center of Cluj, in a consortium with eight other organizations: the Association for Inter-community development Cluj Metropolitan Area, the Cluster for Creative Industries, Transylvanian Furniture Cluster, Cluj IT Cluster, Transilvania IT Cluster, Transylvanian International Film Festival, University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca and ZAIN Transylvanian Creativity Festival.
IoT Tribe Space Endeavour
IoT Tribe Space Endeavour will take promising space technologies and find founders, start-ups and SMEs who can take them to market across industries.
The programme will curate opportunities for start-ups, scale-ups and entrepreneurs to accelerate growth, access funding and find partners and space-tech enabled business opportunities.
You may already be a tech start-up and are looking to gain an extra technological edge or a researcher with some unique space tech. Or you might be a serial entrepreneur looking for your next big exit.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 870480.
Competactiv + :: “Future Skills – Future Challenges”. Project run in partnership by “Asociatia Patronilor si Meseriasilor Cluj”, “Cluj IT” and “Scoala Informala de IT”
Over the next decade, millions of workers around the world will change professional categories and, as a result of the process, skill requirements within the labour market will quickly change.
For the next two decades specialists are indicating a shift in the traditional workplace where focus for the worker will be transferred toward higher autonomy, less routine, more communication technology, fewer physical tasks as well as more social and intellectual tasks.
Due to changes generated by the digitization and transformation processes, both in the IT industry and industries with potential for economic growth, the professional development of employees active in these sectors will require adjustments and support for acquiring new skills demanded by a rapidly changing market. Companies will also go through transformation processes and will be obligated to adjust their day to day activity based on the same conditions.
In this existing context, Future Skills brings to the table a series of benefits and support actions meant to facilitate a smooth transition through the obstacles ahead. Our approach is a skill-centric model in which both employee and the company can access know-how, expertise and support for a tailored life-long learning program and workplace learning program.
The scheduled activities and events are dedicated for representatives and/or employees in operational positions within SMEs operating in the North West region of Romania (Bihor, Bistrita-Nasaud, Cluj, Maramures, Satu Mare and Salaj counties) in one of the following fields of activity: creative industries and information technology and communications, food and beverage processing, health and pharmaceuticals, energy and environmental management, biotechnologies, textiles and leather, wood and furniture, construction, automotive industry and components.
CRONOS :: Consolidation of the innovation ecosystem of Cluj IT by smart specialization for structural transformation and internationalization based on IP of the IT sector from Romania
The project is aimed at strengthening the process of strategic alignment and innovation among companies, SMEs and research institutions in order to accelerate the development of innovative technologies and products in the ICT sector with internationally scalable potential based on short, medium and, especially, long term cooperation activities.
Funded through the Romanian national research program, the project is focused on building a research strategy that applies to the interests of companies and organizations within the cluster membership. Special focus is set on technologies which have applicability in a variety of sectors, from medical to automotive, industrial etc. The potential for specialization of the Cluster includes multiple areas, as existing expertise within the eco-system has placed domains such as: industry digitalization, smart and resilient territories, as well as AI and Cybersecurity among the top 5 priority domains, out of a total of 9 identified.
Green ICT DeVElopment
GIVE is a follow-up project to the Strategic Action Plan resulted from the Danube ICT project, focusing on 3 sectors of interest identified within the report: ICT, automotive and green technologies. As a COSME funded project, the specific objectives of the GIVE initiative and activities include the creation of a new value chain and a favorable framework for the establishment of a Strategic Partnership on Intelligent Ecological Technologies focusing on the automotive and transport sectors through supporting the development of a common knowledge base for internationalization and marketing in cluster managers and SME members.
During implementation Cluj IT was responsible for coordination of targeted activities of promotion and data gathering (survey implementation), direct investigation (focus groups) and centralization of relevant information for the elaboration of the Market Intelligence Report, as a basis for development of the Project Internationalization Strategy. Efforts towards stimulating cross-industry collaboration among SMEs active within the three sectors are strongly supported through dissemination events incorporating two essential components: presentation of Market Intelligence Report results to members of the target group and facilitation of business meetings through matchmaking events.
Danube ICT Clusters’ sustainable cooperation for smart and inclusive growth
The main objective of the project is to create a sustainable, strategic trans- national partnership among ICT Clusters from the Balkan and Danube Region by establishing a common strategy for cross-cluster and cross-industrial cooperation in favor of SMEs. Therefore, a significant outcome of the Danube ICT Project is the Action Plan for Cross-Industry Collaboration which it proposes. Funded by the European Union and Danube Strategy Fund START, the project was coordinated by ICT Cluster Bulgaria, and benefited from the contribution of the Balkan and Black Sea ICT Clusters Network founding members.
Next Generation Brained City
The general objective of the project was to contribute to the innovative development of the Cluj-Napoca urban ecosystem through computerization.
In the project context 4 innovative IT products were developed up to the marketable stage, as well as 12 other IT components/products proposed for further development up to the stage of analysis and design. An important component of the project budget was dedicated to the organizational development of Cluj IT Cluster, as support for the strengthening of the IT sector, an industry with a substantial contribution to community development.
As the first smart city project implemented at national level, it was designed to generate a living area based on the innovative concept of ecologically urban and fully computerized urban community, established under the “networked ecological city” paradigm. Subsequent and deriving activities and involvement in the area of smart city strategic development include collaborations with local authorities from cities like Oradea, Alba-Iulia and Cluj-Napoca, as well as Cluj-Napoca County Council in the scope of informatization strategy development.