Period: 2020-2022
Partnership: Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Universiteit Utrecht, Fores Media Limited, Kaspersky Lab Italia, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Montimage Eurl, Somekh Chaikin Partnership, Stadt Baden, Atos IT Solutions and Services Iberia, Schweizerischer Kmu Verband, Haako Gmbh, Centrul National de Raspuns la Incidente de Securitate Cibernetica, Asociatia Cluj IT.
The overall vision of GEIGER is of a transparent Europe with widespread awareness of risks in which security, privacy, and data protection are a commodity that safeguards SMEs&MEs from undetected problems or imminent attacks, thus protects the European economy from damage. The proposed work is to begin the realisation of the vision by accelerating the implementation of a zero-knowledge incident database that unlocks risks and incident sensing in SMEs&MEs, the realisation of an indicator that easily allows anybody to understand his or her own risk and in comparison to others, and makes experience and intuitive tools available for immediate and effective risk elimination. In order to reach and even attract attention from endangered and unprotected SMEs&MEs, a low-threshold and easy-to-join training ecosystem is being established.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 883588 (GEIGER).
2. Internet of Things to Control and Operate a Large Green House
Period: 2018
Service Type: Finding solution partners. Design. Implementation in several greenhouses. IoT and cloud monitoring of parameters. Mobile control of regulators. Solution for IoT cybersecurity.
Client: The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (USAMV)
Goal: Operational Efficiency, Ensuring security of digital infrastructure, Ensuring network and equipment security, Reduce incident response time