A “Digital Journey” is the entry point for effective services, starting with the Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA). As a result of the assessment, customer needs are analysed and refined in specific service delivery options (particular digital transformation services).  Client journeys are monitored along specific sectoral tracks (SME by sector / Public Administration / Healthcare Provider) and key competence areas (Digital Transformation / Smart Robotics&Automation / Cybersecurity). 

Using a specialized methodology for value-driven collaborative work between consortia of expert companies and research structures from the DIH4S ecosystem, we will be able to provide customized services in the market that cover all needs of a digital transformation strategy for a beneficiary organization. Based on this unique capability, DIH4S proactively acts in the market to disseminate its services, to educate the potential beneficiaries, to discover with beneficiaries their needs, to define with beneficiaries their problems and afterwards to develop and deliver cost-effective and high performance solutions for digital transformation. We provide 3 generic services: 

  • (a) diagnosis on digital maturity using the JRC DMA tool followed by an action plan that embeds customized activities for the digital transformation journey ; 
  • (b) access to experimentation/demo labs from the DIH4Society ecosystem or from the European EDIH network (according to DMA recommendations); 
  • (c) specialized consultancy provided by DIH4Society’s experts on topics related to cybersecurity, smart (intelligent) robotics, and digital transformation.