We deliver integrated training programmes in key knowledge areas where our distinct expertise is focused, respectively in Intelligent Robotics /Smart Automation and Cybersecurity, complemented by fundamental training packages in Digital Transformation.

The courses are to be delivered following a customized approach for 3 target categories: SMEs, Public Administration and Healthcare.

Our training offer includes 21 training packages tailored to market needs, based on the smart specialization strategy defined at regional level, and leveraging our previous experience in delivering skills building programs (over 390 trainees in the last 2 years).

Courses are grouped by competency levels (basic, intermediate, advanced) and client tracks. Learners will be able to progress through competency levels in order to deepen a specific skill (e.g cybersecurity for industry) – an approach suited for operational levels. Alternatively for cross-functional positions, the programme can be followed along a sectoral/client track by broadening the technological overview for a specific sector (Industry/Public Administration/Healthcare). Training will be delivered using onsite / online or blended learning methods, with a projected number of max 10 learners/training in order to enhance quality and client focus.

Our approach leverages a synergistical approach with Digital Journey (test-before-invest) services, using skills building as a catalyst and enabler for applied services, technology uptake/investment decision. This integrated and applied approach will enhance competencies development, allowing for a deep digital transformation of enterprises.